Workshop: Geospatial data management and data sources
Publisert: 1. november 2022
Scope: To share knowledge and experience on utilization of geospatial data. To give an overview of geospatial data sources from Norway Digital (Norge Digitalt) relevant to the Fram Centre research program Catchment to Coast (C2C).
11:30-12:15 Lunch
12:15-13:45 Basic Geospatial knowledge and management
- Introduction and results from user research
- National map databases and detailed elevation model (DEM) from Norwegian Mapping Authority, related to C2C: Håkon Dåsnes and Hanne Hodnesdal, Norwegian Mapping Authority
- Map databases from NPI, related to C2C: TBA, Norwegian Polar Institute
- The partnership Norway Digital (Norge digitalt) and the portal www.geonorge.no: Henrik G. Schuller, Norwegian Mapping Authority
1345-1400 Cofee/tea
14:00-16;00 Geodata sources and use cases
- Marine base maps in the coastal zone: Reidulv Bøe, Geological Survey of Norway.
- Vegetation maps Finn-Arne Haugen: Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO)
- Waterways and drainage lines based on the national detailed elevation model Simon Thaarup, Norwegian Mapping Authority
- (Delimitation and analysis of catchment areas): TBA, Meteorological Institute of Norway
- (Water flow and monitoring of water quality) TBA, The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE)
1600-1610 Summary