FRAM – High North Research Centre for Climate and the Environment (The Fram Centre)
Through our interdisciplinary collaboration, we create internationally leading research that contributes to the excellent management of the high north.

About us
We consist of employees from 21 institutions involved in interdisciplinary research and outreach in the fields of natural science, technology, and social sciences.
We contribute to Norway’s sound management of the environment and natural resources in the north – and we aim at excellence in said management. With scientific research as our foundation, we communicate knowledge to management authorities, the business communities, and the general public.
Based in Tromsø, Norway.
The Fram Centre members
- Akvaplan-niva
- CICERO Centre for International Climate Research
- Institute of Marine Research
- National Coastal Administration
- National Veterinary Institute
- NGU – The Geological Survey of Norway
- NGI – The Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
- NINA – Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
- NIKU – Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research
- Nofima – The Norwegian Institute of Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research
- Norwegian Meteorological Institute
- Norwegian Polar Institute
- Norwegian Institute for Bieconomy Research
- Norwegian Institute for Water Research
- Norwegian Mapping Authority
- Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority
- SINTEF Group
- UNIS – The University Centre in Svalbard
- UiT – The Arctic University of Norway
- Associated member: Polaria
Research programmes and projects
Steering committee
The steering committee provides strategic oversight and guidance to the research collaboration.
Members, appointed by the Ministry of Climate and Environment:
- Leader: Bo Andersen
- Deputy: Evy Jørgensen, Norwegian Polar Institute
- Maria Fossheim, Institute of Marine Research
- Jørgen Berge, The Arctic University of Norway
- Elina Haltunnen, Norwegian Institute of Nature Research
- Anita Evenset, Akvaplan-niva/NIVA
- Rune Storvold, NORCE
- Eirik Mikkelsen, Nofima
- Alma Thuestad, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage.
The research head’s group
Leader: Alma Thuestad, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage.
The research heads’ group is the Fram Centre’s chief co-operative body for heads of research. The group consists of one appointed representative from each of the 20 member institutions that wish to participate and the heads of the Flagship research programs.
The dissemination group
Appointed by the steering committee.
Leader: Helge M. Markusson, The Fram Centre secretariat
- Bjørg Bruset, Norwegian Institute of Nature Research.
- Karine Nigar Aarskog, The Arctic University of Norway.
- Trude Borch, Akvaplan-niva.
- Vibeke Lund Pettersen, Institute of Marine Research.
- Pål Jakobsen/Stig Mathisen, Norwegian Polar Institute
- Katrine Jaklin, NORCE
Reference group:
Appointed by the steering committee.
Leader: Kathryn Donnelly, the Fram Centre secretariat.
- Marianne Kroglund, Miljødirektoratet.
- Gøril Voldnes, Fiskeridirektoratet.
- Hilde Haug, Mattilsynet.
- Knut Aune Hoseth, NVE.
- Stig-Morten Knutsen, Oljedirektoratet.
- Astrid Fjose, Statsforvalteren i Troms og Finnmark.
- Sten Olav Hætta, Sametinget.
- Bjørn-Rikart Pedersen, Finnmarkseiendommen (FEFO).
Secretariat and the company Framsenteret Drift AS
The company Framsenteret Drift AS is owned by a group of the Fram Centre’s member institutions. Framsenteret Drift AS hosts the secretariat designated for the Fram Centre collaboration.
The secretariat coordinates research and outreach in the Fram Centre in cooperation with the Steering committee, the research heads’ group, the dissemination group, and the research programs.
Framsenteret Drift AS is responsible for operating the collective services in the Fram Centre building.
Steering committee:


Helge M. Markusson
+47 480 91 373Mobil:
+47 480 91 373Articles in English
Fram Forum is published once a year by Framsenteret Drift AS on behalf of FRAM – the High North Research Centre for Climate and the Environment. It aims to inform all who are interested in topics related to climate, environment, and people in the High North.