Fram Talks: Communicating Arctic Science
Publisert: 11. januar 2023
Meet us at Arctic Frontiers on January 30 and be inspired! Scientists and communication officers from the Fram Centre family will give examples of good practices for communicating Arctic Science. The event is meant for further discussion and cooperation.
How far can you get?
Jack Landy, The Arctic University of Norway

For a scientist working within a small research field, on a specific environmental problem, it can be challenging to communicate your work when it suddenly receives international attention. In September I led a research paper that was published in Nature magazine, including a feature on the front cover. As an early career researcher, this was new to me, and to many of my co-authors on the paper. In the days and weeks following publication, we communicated our new research to the scientific community, to the media, and to the general public. Here I will talk about the different mechanisms we used for communicating our science and cooperating between institutions. Support from the UiT Communications Department was critical for organizing a press release and interfacing with media, with which I had little experience. Other mechanisms for communicating science, such as through social media, I was more familiar but still learned lessons on how to craft the best “science tweet”. It was inspiring to see how far our message could spread through broad science communication.
Communicating Arctic Science to Ministers
Kristina Bär, Arctic Council Secretariat

A key message under a water glass. A voice for Arctic experts during a Ministerial meeting. A glossy magazine for embassies. Learn about some of the ways the communications team at the Arctic Council Secretariat communicates findings from a wide range of Arctic science and research to high-level policymakers – covering topics from climate change to biodiversity, from waste management to suicide prevention, from safe shipping to oil spill preparedness. Through storytelling and solution-oriented outreach, the team has brought some of the most pressing Arctic concerns to the ministers’ table – encountering (and overcoming) multiple challenges in the process.
How can historical polar archives contribute to setting the agenda?
Elin Vinje Jenssen, Norwegian Polar Institute

Polar history has been characterized by men and tales of their heroic feats. But in the archives of the Norwegian Polar Institute, there are also women, though in the minority. In recent years, the NPI has contributed to promoting knowledge of the role of women in polar history. These efforts have resulted in, among other things, a book about polar women (by author Anka Ryall), a lecture series and theatrical productions – and even the conservation of polar women’s graves.
The popular media has taken an interest in the topic. For example, the website forskning.no, which presents scholarly research results for general readers in Norway, published the story of the heretofore overlooked polar woman, Brit Hofseth. It was praised as the website’s best article in 2021.
About the Fram Centre
Introduction and moderator: Helge M. Markusson, The Fram Centre
The research cooperation in the FRAM – High North Research Centre (the FRAM Centre) consists of employees from 20 institutions involved in interdisciplinary research and outreach in natural science, technology, and social sciences. With scientific research as our foundation, we communicate knowledge to management authorities, businesses, communities, and the general public.