Projects «MIKON» 2016

Flagship leader: Per Fauchald, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research,


Knowledge basis for ecosystem based management


Mapping and monitoring cultural heritage sites and environments in the Svalbard Archipelago

Project leader: Stine Barlindhaug

Participating institutions: NIKU, NINA, NORUT, NPI


Net environmental benefit analysis tool to assess the environmental effects of Arctic oil spills and oil spill response technologies

Lionel Camus

ApN, UiT, NPI, UNIS, Cedre, UoLa


Ecosystem vulnerability assessment of resources in the Ecosystem vulnerability assessment of resources in the Barents Sea

Raul Primicerio  



Ocean Health in Transition

Per Fauchald



Consequences for organisms and ecosystems


Development of model for prediction of eutrofication and sedimentation from fish cage farms

Ole Anders Nøst



Fate and impact of mine tailings on marine Arctic ecosystems

Anita Evenset



Arctic Cetaceans and Ocean Noise

Kit Kovacs



Mineral extraction in the high North – radiological risks, impacts and mitigation

Louise Kiel Jensen  


Abbreviations: AARI: The Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute; ApN: Akvaplan-niva Inc.; AU: Aarhus University; AWI: Alfred Wegener Institute; BAS: British Antarctic Survey; BC: Bates College; BedIn: Bedford Institute; BOS: Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Science; BS: The Bjerknes Centre; CEBC: Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé; Cedre: Centre of Documentation, Research and Experimentation on Accidental Water Pollution; CEH: The Centre for Ecology & Hydrology; CNRS: The National Center for Scientific Research; CRRL: Control/Robotics Research Laboratory (NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering); CU: Clemson University; DTU: Technical University of Denmark; FMI: Finnish Meteorological Institute; FNI: Fridtjof Nansen Institue; FOC: Fisheries and Oceans Canada; FSU: Florida State University; JAMSTEC: Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology; IDAEA-CSIC: Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research – Spanish Council for Scientific Research; IMARES: Institute for Marine Resources & Ecosystem Studies; IMR: Institute of Marine Research; INSPQ: Public Health Expertise and Reference Centre – Québec; IVM: Institute for Environmental Studies; LIENSs: Littoral, Environment and Societies, La Rochelle University; LRU: La Rochelle University; LUKE: Natural Resources Institute Finland; MET: The Norwegian Meteorological Institute; MU: Massey University; NAMMCO: North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission; NBIC: Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre; NCA: The Norwegian Coastal Administration; NCAOR: National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research; NGU: Geological Survey of Norway; NIBIO: The Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research; NINA: Norwegian Institute for Nature Research; NIKU: The Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research; NILU: Norwegian Institute for Air Research; NIVA: Norwegian Institute for Water Research; NMBU: Norwegian University of Life Sciences; Nofima: The Norwegian Institute of Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research; NORUT: Northern Research Institute; NPI: Norwegian Polar Institute; NRPA: Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority; NTNU: Norwegian University of Science and Technology; OASYS: Ocean Atmosphere Systems – Research; PAS: Polish Academy of Sciences; PINRO: Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography; RAS: Russian Academy of Sciences; RECETOX: Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment; RU: Ryerson University; SAMS: The Scottish Association for Marine Science; SCNN: Science Centre of Northern Norway; SINTEF: The Company for Industrial Research areas/Project titles Project leader (s) Participating institutions Flagship E-mail project leader Consequences for cultural heritage and society Sea urchin harvest: Ecosystem recovery, integrated management of social-ecological system, ecosystem service and sustainability Wenting Chen NIVA, UiT, Nofima, UoC MIKON The impact of extractive industries and tourism on socioecological dynamics in the Arctic Vera Hausner UiT, NINA MIKON Ecosystem services and coastal governance Einar Eythorsson NIKU, Nofima MIKON 12 and Technological Research; SIO: Scripps Institution of Oceanography; SRCES-RAS: Scientific Research Center for Ecological Safety – Russian Academy of Sciences; SU: Stockholm University; TCD: Trinity College Dublin; TI: Thule Institute; TM: Tromsø Municipality; TO: Troms Offshore; UAF: University of Alaska – Fairbanks; UiT: UiT The Arctic University of Norway; UNIS: The University Centre in Svalbard; UNN: University Hospital of North Norway; UoA: University of Antwerpen; UoC: University of California; UoCa: University of Calgary; UoF: University of Freiburg; UoG: University of Gent; UoGd: University of Gdańsk; UoGo: University of Gothenburg; UoGr: University of Groningen; UoH: University of Hokkaido; UoIs: University of Island; UoL: University of Leicester; UoLa: University of Laval; UoO: University of Oslo; UoOu: University of Oulu; UoM: University of Maine; UoMu: University of Murcia; UoNB: University of New Brunswick; UoQ: University of Queensland; UoR: University of Reading; UoStA: University of St. Andrews; UoWa: University of Waterloo; UQAR: Université du Québec à Rimouski; UT: University of Texas; UTu: University of Turku; VU: Vrije University Amsterdam; WHOI: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; WU: Wageningen University
